
How to build turret

5 Nether fence, 4 redstone torchs and dispenser in the middle. Dispenser block must be placed last

As turret created, you can remove nether fence and red torches

Configuration explanation

  # will turret attacks or not these creature types
    npc: true
    player: true
    monster: true
    animal: true

    attack-period-ticks: 20 # ticks between attacks (1 sec = 20 ticks). Min: 5
    damage: 3 # inaccurate, but Heroes calculate damage proportional to this
    fire-arrow: false

  # when turret placed, it has initial charges.Every arrow,
  # turret consumes (tries to consume one arrow from dispenser, if no ammo),
  # gives ammo-per-arrow charges
    unlimited-ammo: false # if true, other parameters in this section ignored
    initial-ammo-base: 10
    initial-ammo-increase: 0.4 # per class level
    ammo-per-arrow-base: 5
    ammo-per-arrow-increase: 0.2 # per class level

    # Protect turret against breaking and arrow stealing (except Builder, OPs and perm: skillturret.bypassprotection)
    protect-block: true

    # persistent turret will not disappears after server reload (save in Heroes/turrets.yml)
    # and, other parameters in this section ignored for persistent turret
    persistent: false
    max-lifetime: 300000
    destroy-on-owner-logout: true
    destroy-on-chunk-unload: true

  # when player tries to place turret over limit
  # false: Player receives "max-turrets-text" message
  # true: The oldest player's turret will be replaced
  replace-oldest-on-limit: false
  max-turrets-per-player: 3

  cooldown: 45000
  mana: 0

  # when hooking enabled and plugin(s) found,
  # turrets will not attack plugin-friendly targets
  # this section is global, not class-specific
    towny: true
    factions: true

  # messages
  turret-placed-by-text: Turret placed by %player%
  turret-replaced-text: Turret replaced
  max-turrets-text: You already have max turrets
  your-turret-destroyed-text: Your turret destroyed
  your-turret-destroyed-by-text: Your turret destroyed by %player%
  you-destroy-other-player-turret-text: You destroy %player%'s turret!
  your-turret-lost-magic-power: Your turret lost magic power
  out-of-ammo-text: Your turret is out of ammo

  apply-text: '%hero% gained %skill%!'
  unapply-text: '%hero% lost %skill%!'